Metallurgy news

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  • 2010-02-19 17:55:43
    The domestic market of Russia remains important for Norilsk Nickel
    The domestic market remains important for MMC Norilsk Nickel",said Victor Sprogis, Deputy Director General, Norilsk Nickel during the VII Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum. "Russian market still remains a top priority to us in the entire product range. The copper consumption in ...
  • 2010-02-19 17:27:52
    MMK commissions secondary steel treatment complex to complete Mill 5000 technological chain
    Today MMK commissioned the Secondary Steel Treatment Complex at the Oxygen Converter Shop. The state-of-the-art high-tech complex is a part of the technological process for production of highly competitive products, meeting international standards. In particular, the treated steel will ...
  • 2010-02-18 10:21:29
    Modernization of steel enterprises, stirring up demand for steel, and developing of technologies of the future are among the top priorities of Metal-Expo’2010
    A meeting of the Organizing Committee of Metal-Expo’2010 16th International Industrial Exhibition was held on February 16 in Moscow. The Committee consisting of representatives of unions and associations in the steel, construction, and machine-building industries, as well as heads of ...
  • 2010-02-17 18:11:48
    West Siberian Steel Plant mastered production of more than 30 new steel grades
    West Siberian Steel Plant mastered production of more than 30 new steel grades for export in 2009. Specialists have developed technology of production of new carbon steel grades with higher strength and resistance to corrosion. The chemical composition is achieved by alloying of various ...
  • 2010-02-17 18:04:53
    Rusal builds a smelter in the Saratov region Russia
    At his press conference in February this year Alexander Zhandarov, Chairman of the Government of the Saratov region said that Rusal was in the middle of construction of it’s smelter in the Balakovo region. The new legal has been registered, land for the construction has been allocated ...
  • 2010-02-17 10:43:19
    VSMPO-AVISMA has extended long-term supply agreement with Snecma
    PSC “VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation” announced that it has extended the forging supply agreement with Snecma, a Safran group company, for another long-term period. The agreement, effective as of January 2010 provides for VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation to supply titanium forgings to Snecma for ...
  • 2010-02-17 10:35:59
    OMK to supply pipes for Nord Stream's second link
    United Metallurgical Company (OMK) has become Russia's only supplier of pipes for the construction of the second link of the Nord Stream gas pipeline on the bed of the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany. OMK obtained 25% of the contract. The remaining part will be shared by European company ...
  • 2010-02-16 11:29:04
    Norilsk Nickel will invest in raw materials supply
    Reportedly, in 2010 Norilsk Nickel will focus on investing in raw materials supplies. “The main task of Zapolyarny Brach today is development of raw materials supplies. The total of about 24B rubles will be invested in the production of Zapolyarny Brach in 2010. 60% of this amount ...
  • 2010-02-16 10:57:02
    The first order of steel-making facilities for the automotive industry will be commissioned in St. Petersburg in autumn 2010
    Reportedly, Intercos-IV will commission the first order of steel-making facilities for the automotive industry at Izhora Plants in autumn 2010. According to the plan the second order will be commissioned in 2011. The first order project investment cost reaches about 4B rubles. The total ...
  • 2010-02-15 10:20:37
    Severstal acquires a stake in Crew Gold
    OAO Severstal (LSE: SVST; RT CHMF) acquired, through its subsidiary Bluecone Limited, 335,961,241 common shares in Crew Gold Corporation (“Crew Gold”) at a price of NOK 0.90 (CDN$0.16) per share. The securities acquired represent ownership and control of approximately 15.71% ...
  • 2010-02-15 10:17:44
    Decisions of MMK board of directors
    On February 12, 2010 the Board of Directors of MMK decided on the date of the annual general shareholders' meeting - May 21, 2010. It also approved ZAO “Status” as Company’s registrar. The Board approved of the following agenda for the General Shareholders' meeting: 1. ...
  • 2010-02-12 11:14:51
    KUMZ increased output in January 2010
    Kamensk-Uralsky Metallurgical Works (KUMZ) announced operational results of its January production program. Output of commercial products grew in money terms 2.6 times, in tonnage 2.85 times as compared to January 2009. Supplies volume grew 2.58 times. A considerable increase in output of ...
  • 2010-02-12 10:59:38
    Experts believe steel and iron ore prices will rise in 2010
    According to IFC Metropol forecasts steel demand in the domestic market will rise to 3.5—3.7M tons in month by QIII 2010 (15-20% against the average level of 2009). World steel price will rise in I half of 2010 to approx $600—650 per a ton (hot-rolled coils) and may grow to ...
  • 2010-02-11 11:20:25
    Regional Metal and Steel Trading Conference to open in St. Petersburg
    Regional Metal and Steel Trading’2010, 3d All-Russian Conference organized by Metal Supply and Sales has opened today in St. Petersburg. The conference has gathered together more than 100 top managers and specialists from 60 steel producing and trading companies. The conference will ...
  • 2010-02-11 11:01:17
    Experts report MMK’s project is in compliance with Kyoto Protocol
    Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) has announced a successful passing of an independent expertise (determination) of its project “Mastering of Electric Steel-Melting Method at MMK” for compliance with Kyoto Protocol. The total reduction of greenhouse gasses emission in the ...
  • 2010-02-10 11:04:14
    Mechel to buy new facilities in Romania
    Reportedly, Mechel Group is closing a deal on buying Laminorul Braila a steel-making plant in Romania for $20M. This will allow extending the range of products of the Group. Laminorul was established in 1923. The plant is the only Romanian enterprise producing bulb bars for ship-building ...
  • 2010-02-10 10:46:26
    RUSAL’S Aluminium Division confirms compliance with health, safety, environment and quality management systems under ISO 9001, ISO 14001 AND OHSAS 18001
    UC RUSAL, the world’s largest aluminium and alumina producer, announces that the company has prolonged certification of the health, safety, environment and quality management systems under the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 international standards for production sites of the ...
  • 2010-02-09 10:46:37
    MMK continues building of out-of-furnace steel treatment complex
    Round the clock building of out-of-furnace steel treatment complex, part of plates rolling complex continues in the oxygen-converter plant, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. At the end of January testing of furnace-ladle unit was performed. Now SMS-Mevac GmbH contract supervisors perform ...
  • 2010-02-09 10:11:51
    OMZ’s Izhorskiye Zavody completes production of four coolant reservoirs for Belene NPP
    Izhorskiye Zavody, part of OMZ Group completed the manufacture of 4 coolant reservoirs designed for steam generators for Belene NPP in Bulgaria. Commission composed of representatives of Bezopasnost Federal State Unitary Enterprise, CJSC Atomstroyexport, JSC Atomenergoprom, the National ...
  • 2010-02-08 10:43:10
    Statement regarding media speculation
    OAO Severstal (LSE: SVST; RTS: CHMF), one of the world’s leading steel and mining companies, with key assets in Russia, the US and Europe, notes media speculation that it is in negotiation to sell its European operations (Lucchini Group). The Company confirms that it continues to ...
  • 2010-02-08 10:35:08
    Leading steel structures manufacturers approve of holding MetallStroyForum’2010 jointly with Metal-Expo’2010
    During an online conference Steel Structures Market: Estimations, Trends, and Forecasts, heads of steel structures manufacturing companies (S. Maslennikov, Steelinvest, M. Gelman, Construction Management Office 620, Yu. Eliseev, Steel Structures Group, and D. Krapivnitsky, Light Steel ...
  • 2010-02-05 10:33:48
    Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant Reports 14.1 % production increase for 4Q 2009
    Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (LSE, RTS, MICEX: CHZN), Russia’s largest producer of zinc and zinc alloys, is pleased to announce its production results for the twelve months of 2009. October through December 2009, Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (CZP) produced 36.7 thousand tonnes of salable SHG zinc ...
  • 2010-02-05 10:27:02
    OMZ’s Izhorskiye Zavody completes welding and assembly of girth welds
    Izhorskiye Zavody, part of OMZ Group, have completed one of the key stages of manufacture of the first steam generator body being built for the Belene nuclear power plant (NPP) in Bulgaria - welding and assembly of girth welds. Quality control of welded joints showed that the welding work was ...
  • 2010-02-04 10:23:49
    Severstal to supply large-diameter pipes for ESPO-II
    Severstal announces that it will supply large-diameter pipes for the 2nd phase of the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline. When completed, the pipeline will carry oil to Russia’s Far East and Asia-Pacific markets. The first deliveries from the ESPO pipeline (1st phase) are ...
  • 2010-02-04 10:16:12
    TMK prolongs VTB loan facility
    TMK, one of the world’s largest oil and gas pipe producers and the market leader of the Russian pipe industry, today announced that it has achieved agreements with VTB Bank on prolongation the maturity of its USD 450 mln. facility up to three years. The facility, used to fund a ...
  • 2010-02-04 10:13:53
    RUSAL to pay creditors USD2.143B
    Moscow, 4 February 2010 – RUSAL, the largest aluminium and alumina producer, announces that the Company has paid its creditors USD2.143 billion from the proceeds of its share listings on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and NYSE Euronext in Paris The proceeds have been used to repay ...
  • 2010-02-03 10:21:48
    OMZ appoints Igor Sorochan as Director General
    On 2 February OMZ’s Board of directors appointed Igor Pavlovich Sorochan its General Director effective from February 15. Igor Sorochan was born in January 1954. He graduated from Leningrad Mechanical Institute specializing in aircraft engines. In 1977 he started working at the ...
  • 2010-02-03 10:17:13
    Severstal releases Q4 and FY2009 operational results
    Severstal has released its Q4 and FY 2009 operational results as follows. Production of crude steel in Q4 2009 was 4 621 thousand tonnes, 2% higher than in the previous quarter. Production of rolled products also increased by 1% to 3 467 thousand tonnes q-o-q. Total production of iron ore ...
  • 2010-02-02 12:00:06
    Mechel announces operational results for 2009
    Vladimir Polin, Senior Vice-President of Mechel OAO, commented on 2009 operational results, “In late 2008 and early 2009 mining and metals companies suffered substantially from the global economic crisis. However, we made necessary changes and corrections in our operation system and ...
  • 2010-02-02 11:48:31
    MMK announces operational trading update for Q4 and FY 2009
      Production Q4 2009 Q3 2009   FY 2009 FY 2008   ‘000 tons ‘000 tons % ‘000 tons ‘000 tons % ...
  • 2010-02-01 11:32:09
    Severstal’s Stevedore Company to ship another export lot of nodules
    Neva-Metall, part of Severstal Russian Steel Division shipped 10Kt of iron ore nodules in containers by Karelian Nodule (part of Severstal-Resourse Division) in January. The company started to ship nodules in containers last summer as part of a synergy project with Severstal-Resourse ...
  • 2010-02-01 11:05:08
    Presentation of study of metallurgy and sponsorship possibilities at Metal Ravne
    Experts in technical sciences, especially metallurgy, are a profession in constant demand, therefore employers are struggling hard to attract qualified and competent experts into their companies. For this reason human resource managers from the Metal Ravne company, one of the steelworks in ...
  • 2010-01-29 10:57:34
    Steel-Melting Plant to be commissioned at Pervouralsky Novotrubny Works in Q4 2010
    Alexander Fedorov, Director General, ChTPZ Group said a new steel-melting plant would be commissioned at Pervouralsky Novotrubny Works facilities (Part of ChTPZ Group) in the 4th quarter 2010. Building of the new steel-melting plant began in 2007. The aim of the project is supplies of the ...
  • 2010-01-29 10:11:47
    Vyksa Steel Works reports its operating results for 2009
    Vyksa Steel Works (VSW, Nizhni Novgorod Region), part of United Metallurgical Company (OMK), has reported its operating results for 2009. In 2009, VSW produced 1,500 510 tonnes of pipes of various grades, which is 7.5% more than in 2008 (1,395,058 tonnes). VSW manufactured 967,235 tonnes ...
  • 2010-01-28 10:48:56
    In 2010 price for steel in China will rise due to increase in raw materials prices
    Reuters reports that increasing prices for raw materials during US and European economies recovery ensure a strong support to rise of steel prices in China in 2010. According to China Iron and Steel Association (CISA), excess steel facilities and trade barriers may hinder steel prices growth ...
  • 2010-01-27 11:47:15
    Mechel to open office in China
    According to Mechel Press-service, the Board of Directors of Mechel Group has decided to open an office in Beijing, China. Reportedly, own international network of offices is one of the main competitive advantages of Mechel Group. Own offices in different countries of the world will allow ...
  • 2010-01-27 11:20:48
    Novosibirsk Metallurgical Works has considerably expanded tubes output
    Novosibirsk Metallurgical Works has reported 2009 production results including the period from August to December when the only steel works in Novosibirsk was taken over by Metallservis, one of the biggest metal and steel traders. In September tubes output grew more than 1.4 times, whereas in ...
  • 2010-01-26 11:36:15
    Severstal North America Update
    OAO Severstal (LSE: SVST; RTS: CHMF), one of the world’s leading steel and mining companies, with key assets in Russia, the US and Europe, today announces that as part of its North American 2010 operating plan certain facilities will be restarted that had been previously idled as a ...
  • 2010-01-26 11:32:54
    Management replacements in MMC Norilsk Nickel
    OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (hereinafter – MMC Norilsk Nickel or the Company) announces management replacements in its Russian production units. Yevgeny Muraviev was appointed Director of the Polar Division (further PD), and Sergey Selyandin was appointed General Director of MMC Norilsk ...
  • 2010-01-25 13:15:24
    Severstal to sell its facilities in Italy
    Severstal is in the middle of negotiations for the sale of its Italian facilities Lucchini Piombino, ranking second in steel production in Italy. A source representing banking interests informed Interfax that a few investors are engaged in the negotiations without mentioning their geography. ...
  • 2010-01-25 11:16:38
    Steel and rolled products output in Russia tends to grow
    According to Russian Federal State Statistics Service, in 2009 steel production in Russia fell by 13.9% reaching 59.2 mln tons as compared to 2008. In December 2009 steel production grew by 55.1%, compared to December 2008 and by 1.6% compared to November 2009. Ferrous rolled products ...
  • 2010-01-22 12:41:28
    CIMM GROUP has visited Tulachermet
    A presentation of equipment and materials of CIMM GROUP, one of the leading Chinese steel groups has been held at Tulachermet. During the visit to the blast furnace plant the Chinese delegation has made a few proposals of cooperation including design and manufacture of blast furnace no-bell ...
  • 2010-01-22 10:21:40
    TMK Supply Agreement with Surgutneftegas
    TMK, one of the world’s largest oil and gas pipe producers, today announces that it has reached a supply agreement with Surgutneftegas for 2010 deliveries. The agreement, signed between Trade House TMK and Surgutneftegas, covers deliveries of casing, tubing, line pipe and drill pipe for ...
  • 2010-01-21 10:42:11
    OMZ’s Izhorskiye Zavody completes welding of reactor vessel and pressure compensator for Novovoronezh NPP-2
    zhorskiye Zavody, part of OMZ Group, completed one of the most important stages in the manufacture of equipment for Novovoronezh nuclear power plant NPP-2 - welding of the reactor vessel and pressure compensator. Quality control of welded joints showed that all welding work was carried ...
  • 2010-01-21 10:34:02
    TMK announces production results for 2009 and trading update
    Some of the statements contained in this press release are forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks that could cause actual result, performance or events to differ materially from ...
  • 2010-01-20 10:47:38
    Olcon passes first ISO 9001 Quality Control Management System audit
    Olcon, an Olenegorsk-based iron ore complex that is part of Severstal, the steel and mining company, has passed their first ISO 9001 compliance quality control management system audit. A team from Bureau Veritas Certification, an independent certification body, spent several days auditing the ...
  • 2010-01-20 10:46:20
    New blast furnace construction is in progress at NLMK
    Installation of the basic structures at Novolipetsk Steel’s new blast furnace #7 of a 3.4 million tonnes annual capacity has been completed. As of today more than 30% of the work has been completed. The furnace’s shell, including its support system, off-gas system, charging device ...
  • 2010-01-19 11:04:07
    Carrington Wire announces managed wind down of business
    Elland, West Yorkshire: Carrington Wire announced that it will be implementing a managed wind down of the business given continuing losses resulting from a contraction of the market for steel wire. This will include the closure of the Elland manufacturing plant over the coming months, ...
  • 2010-01-19 11:00:59
    MMK and TMK extend partnership
    Mr. Dmitry Pumpyansky paid a business visit to MMK on Monday, January 18, 2010. MMK and TMK extend their partnership in agreement with the Memorandum on strategic cooperation till 2015 which was signed on February 08, 2007. Mr. Pumpyansky visited new production facilities of MMK – ...
  • 2010-01-18 14:21:27
    Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant Holds EGM
    Chelyabinsk, Russia – January 18, 2010 – On Tuesday, January 12, Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (LSE, RTS, MICEX: CHZN) has held its Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting. Participants in the EGM, including shareholders and their representatives, control 76,23 % of the ...