2008-01-21 14:29:28 Changes in Russian Aluminium Shapes Market Analysis of development of Russian aluminium shapes market clearly shows an active growth of extrusion facilities. For example, in December 2006 Agrisovgaz (Maloyaroslavets, the Kaluga region) put into operation a new extrusion line with the force of 1.850 thou tons which will enable to ...
2008-01-21 12:16:01 MMK Increased Blast Furnace Capacity A general overhaul of blast furnace #9 finished at Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Setting up of a bellless charger by Paul Wurth (Luxemburg) was part of the project. Due to the general overhaul steel quality will improve and output will increase, whereas the setting up of the new charger ...
2008-01-21 11:51:34 Chusovoy Metallurgical Works Increased Output in 2007 In December 2007 Chusovoy Metallurgical Works produced 41.2 thou tons of rolled products (up 84% against 22.4 thou tons in December 2006), UMC press-service reports. In 2007 the total rolled products output reached 449.3 thou tons, which is 24.1 thou tons more compared to the total output in ...
2008-01-18 14:13:21 New Director General of ChTPZ Group has Been Appointed On January 15, 2008 Mr. Pavel Pelyugin, former Sales Director of ChTPZ was appointed Director General of ChTPZ Group, a management company of Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Plant and Pervouralsky Novotrubny Works.
Mr. Vitaly Sadykov who had been Director General of ChTPZ Group since 2002 ...
2008-01-18 13:08:07 Norilsk Nickel will Increase Output By experts’ estimations in 2008 value of Norilsk Nickel shares will continue increase. According to IFC Metropol, today fair value of the shares reaches $340.4 per a share and the value increase potential is expected 28% against the present value.
Analyst assume that the recent ...
2008-01-18 12:57:24 Mechel has Summed up 2007 Production Results In 2007 Mechel increased steel output by 2% to 6.09 mln tons compared to 2006. Last year pig iron output reached 3.685 mln tons (1% up compared to 2006), coke – 3.886 mln tons (51% up), nickel – 17 thou tons (19% up), mesh products – 683 thou tons (12% up), forgings – ...
2008-01-17 17:14:02 Magnezit Group Bought SLOVMAG Refractory Plant Magnezit Group bought 99.6% stake of SLOVMAG, Lubenik, Slovakia, the largest producer of refractory materials in Eastern Europe. The works operates a complete cycle of production of magnesia products and unmolded materials including magnesite excavation and dressing, magnesite powders ...
2008-01-17 12:50:01 VSMPO-Avisma Tubes Mill Increases Production In 2007 VSMPO-Avisma Tubes Mill (Nikopol, Ukraine) produced 299.35 tons of titanium tubular products (527 thou m) including 242.97 tons (524.7 thou m) of seamless cold-formed tubes and 56.38 tons (2.3 thou m) of seamless hot-formed tubes (in cooperation with Interpipe Niko Tube). Comparing to ...
2008-01-16 12:50:03 Kamkabel has Summed up 2007 Production Results Kamkabel has summed up its 2007 product results. Press-center of the works reports that the total output increased by 9% against 2006. The works produced power cables 19% more (26.697 thou km against 22.479 thou km in 2006). Increase in production of self-supporting insulated wires reached 48% ...
2008-01-16 12:42:00 ChTPZ Group Ferrous Division Ships 1,895,000 Tonnes of Product to Customers in 2007 Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Plant (ChTPZ, Chelyabinsk, Russia) (RTS: CHEP) and Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant (PNTZ, Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, Russia) (RTS: PNTZ), both in ChTPZ Group, shipped 1,895,000 tonnes of pipe products to customers in 2007, an increase of 10% as compared to 2006 ...
2008-01-16 12:24:19 Kolchugtsvetmet Increased Output to 25.05 Thou Tons Kolchugtsvetmet (Kolchugino, the Vladimir region) increased non-ferrous rolled products output by 12.3% to 25.05 thou tons in 2007. By estimation, sales proceeds increased by 30% to 7 bln rubles.
In 2008 the works plans to increase output by 17.8% to 29.5 thou tons including production of ...
2008-01-15 14:43:36 UC RUSAL Aluminium Division receives international Occupational Health and Safety certification UC RUSAL, the world’s largest aluminium and alumina producer, is pleased to announce that its Aluminium Division has received certification of compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) Specification 18001.
Norwegian audit company Det Norske Veritas ...
2008-01-15 13:20:41 Steel Profile to Increase Steel Tubes Output Steel Profile, Novosibirsk Steel Works that forms part of Metallurgical Holding of Estar Group of Companies announced production results of 2007 showing steel tubes output 9.667 thou tons which is 73 % more than in 2006 (5.595 thou tons).
Alexander Kurdyukov, Executive Director of Steel ...
2008-01-15 13:18:25 Russia Increases Copper and Nickel Exports In January-November 2007 Russia exported 258.1 thou tons of refined copper for $1.714 bln. According to the report of Federal Customs Service, 253.3 thou tons were exported outside of the CIS for $1.683 bln, to the CIS – 4.8 thou tons for $31.3 mln. In 2006 Russia exported 268.9 thou ...
2008-01-15 12:47:10 Management System of Sredneuralsk Copper Melting Works Complies with International Standards Auditing results have showed integrated management system (IMS) of Sredneuralsk Copper Melting Works complies with international standards. IMS includes quality management system, ecological management system as well as professional safety and health caring systems which comply with ...
2008-01-15 11:03:59 Mechel Closes Syndication of US$2 Billion Loan Mechel (NYSE: MTL), one of the leading Russian mining and metals companies, announces that it has closed syndication of a US$2.0 billion loan for refinancing its Yakutian coal assets acquired at auction on October 5, 2007.
Mechel OAO and the international banks acting as the joint book ...
2008-01-14 15:10:58 In 2007 Almetyevsk Pipe Plant Increase Dispatch of Pipes by 8% UMC press service reports that in 2007 Almetyevsk Pipe Plant produced 138.5 thou tons of pipes of different range and 44.6 thou tons of pipes with outer polyethylene coating which is 12% more than in 2006 (123. 6 thou tons) and 3% (43.3 thou tons) respectively.
In 2007 dispatch of pipes ...
2008-01-14 14:53:40 In 2007 Vyksa Steel Works increased Production of Tubes and Wheels
UMC press service reports that in 2007 Vyksa Steel Works produced 1.707 mln tons of tubes of different range exceeding the output in 2006 by 11% (1.536 mln tons). Last year the works produced 944 thou tons of pipes which is 12% more than in 2006 (843.1 thou tons).
In 2007 wheel ...
2008-01-14 14:45:56 11 Companies Applied for Auction to Develop Deposit in Irkutsk Region On March 13 Irkutsknedra will hold an auction for the right to develop Iysko-Tagulsk deposit containing nickel, copper, and metals of the platinum group. The amount of the payment for participation in the auction starts from 110 mln rubles. The application deadline is December 26, 2007. All in ...
2008-01-14 13:04:41 Prices for Copper Rolled Products have Stabilized Analysis of prices for copper rolled products shows their stabilization. E.g. in the beginning of December in the Moscow region market M1 sheets were sold for 255–267 thou rubles per 1 ton (depending on dispatch volume), whereas last week – 253–267 thou rubles. A similar ...
2008-01-11 14:38:57 Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works will Galvanize Strips without Using Harmful Hexavalent Chrome Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works has mastered the technology of coated rolled metal production fully agreeable to 2000/53/ЕС and 2002/95/ЕС ecological standards. Soon corrosion-resistant solutions not bearing harmful to environment hexavalent chrome will be used in chemical preparation of ...
2008-01-11 11:09:00 PSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation Published its Audited Financial Statements on a US GAAP Basis for 2006 PSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation reported consolidated Net Income of $204.01 million for 2006, an increase of $129.4 million (173%) over 2005. All amounts reported are in US dollars.
Consolidated Sales, Gross Profit and EBITDA for 2006 are $1003.22 million; $478.13million; and $338.70 million ...
2008-01-11 11:04:09 Severstal Bought Tube Plant in Poland Severstal has bought Technologie Buczek, a Polish steel tubes producer for $22 mln, mass media report. Severstallat, a sister company of Severstal was engaged in the transaction. Experts believe Severstal plans to turn the Polish office into a center of coordination of its activities in ...
2008-01-10 17:29:52 Novosibirsk Steel Works Named after Kuzmin Increased Output of Cold-Rolled Sheets by 19% in 2007 In 2007 Novosibirsk Steel Works Named after Kuzmin incorporated in Estar Holding produced 31.04 thou tons of hot-rolled sheets which is 17 % more compared to 2006 (26.63 thou tons); cold-rolled sheets -- 7 392 tons, 19% up compared to 6 225 tons in 2006; cold-rolled bands - 5 586 tons (+16 % ...
2008-01-10 16:49:41 MMK has Put into Operation a New Horizontal Boring Machine A new horizontal boring machine was put into operation at the mechanical plant of MMK Repairing Complex. The new machine was substituted for an old machine # 58 which had been operated at the mechanical plant for 45 years. The new machine produced by Novosibirsk Heavy Machine Tool and ...
2008-01-10 15:36:42 Electrocable Works, Kolchugino has Summed up Production Results of 2007 Press-service of Electrocable Works (Kolchugino, the Vladimir region) reported cable products sales revenue of 10 billion rubles in 2007. The income will be spent on fulfillment of some social projects, as well as technical reconstruction and modernization of production facilities. The works ...
2008-01-09 11:43:01 The Board of Directors of MMC Norilsk Nickel created a new committee The Board of Directors of MMC Norilsk Nickel (the “Company”) reviewed, among other issues, the creation of a Committee of Independent Directors within the Company’s Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors made a decision to create the Committee, which is made up of ...
2008-01-09 11:36:53 Severstal Announces Change to SeverCorr Executive Management Team Columbus, Mississippi: Severstal, one of the world’s leading metals and mining companies, today announced that John Correnti, CEO of SeverCorr, and other founding senior managers of the next generation steel mill located in Columbus, Mississippi, will transition executive management of ...
2007-12-28 13:58:59 Uralcable to Increase Production 1.5 times over 11 Months In January-November 2007 Uralcable produced 76.603 thou km of cable products (147.7% more compared with the same period of 2006).
The company produced 105 km of power cables (127.8%), oil bottom cable – 2.392 thou km (1.3 times more), motor wire – 35.683 thou km (5 times ...
2007-12-28 13:08:20 D&POS to Launch Production of Reinforcing Sections and Mounting Bars Reinforcing sections and mounting bars have been added to the range of products manufactured by D&POS. Such type of sections are used for reinforcement in PVC window and door structures. The mounting bars are used in manufacture of flanged joints of air ducts. The Sections manufactured by ...
2007-12-27 13:52:09 In January-November 2007 Elektrozinc Increased Marketable Zinc Output In January-November 2007 Electrozinc, Vladikavkaz produced 82 236 tons of marketable zinc (102.4% more compared with the same period of 2006), marketable lead – 33 751 tons (100%), sulfuric acid – 153 688 tons (102.9%), cadmium – 236 tons (114%).
Besides, in the 11 ...
2007-12-27 13:50:17 Fist Lot of Pipes with Smooth Inner Surface Coating has been Produced at Volzhsky Pipe Plant Experimental operation of new equipment for coating of big diameter pipes with smooth inner surface coating has started at Volzhsky Pipe Plant.
Setting up of the line for coating of big diameter pipes with smooth inner surface coatings of 530 up to 1420 mm; wall thickness up to 42 mm is ...
2007-12-27 12:29:46 MMK to Announce 2007 Preliminary Production Results The last in 2007 meeting of the economic council headed up by V. Shmakov, Vice-President for Finances and Economy, MMK Management Company, were held at Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Results of MMK operation in November, 2007 preliminary production results, main trends of development of ...
2007-12-26 16:52:35 Lead Plant to be Built in Leningrad Region A used batteries processing plant will be built in the Slantsevsk Settlement Industrial Zone, the Leningrad region. The plant will create up to 60 new jobs. The project at an investment of 700 mln rubles will be carried out by Ekorusmetall Ltd.
The used batteries scrap processing ...
2007-12-26 15:59:27 Sibir-Polymetals to Double up Output in 2008 Eleven enterprises of the Altay region have exceeded an annual output of 1 bln rubles. Sibir-Polymetals has become the 11th company on the list.
Since the beginning of 2007 about 250 thou tons of ore have been excavated at Rubtsovsk deposit to be processed into copper, lead and zinc ...
2007-12-26 15:22:55 Severstal to Apply Corporate Management Quality System to its International Facilities The first meeting of quality control services of Severstal companies CherMK, Severstal NA, as well as Ascometal and Piombino (Lucchini sister companies) has been held at CREAS Ascometal research center (France). CherMK Severstal has been represented by a group of specialists of technical ...
2007-12-25 13:42:12 MMC Norilsk Nickel to pay interim dividends In accordance with preliminary voting results of Extraordinary General Meeting, which was held on 21 December 2007, the shareholders of MMC Norilsk Nickel (the ‘Company’) approved interim dividends in the amount of RUB 108 per one ordinary share.
The interim dividends are to ...
2007-12-25 13:37:18 Severstal plans third Cherepovets EAF Severstal is planning to add a third electric arc furnace (EAF) and possibly a new rolling mill to boost long products capacity at its flagship Cherepovets works, a company spokesman told MB.
Severstal confirmed the plans after ceo Alexei Mordashov hinted at the introduction of a third ...
2007-12-25 12:41:10 UC RUSAL announces its intention to buy 2% of Norilsk Nickel from KM-Invest
UC RUSAL announces its intention to buy 2% stake in Norilsk Nickel from KM-Invest. The official letter stating UC RUSAL’s intention to buy 2% stake in Norilsk Nickel was sent to CEO of KM-Invest on 24 December 2007.
On 19 December 2007 the Board of Directors of KM-Invest made the ...
2007-12-25 12:21:48 MMK to Produce Rolled Products of Higher Strength Last week a pilot batch of X80 strength class rolled products was manufactured at # 10 flats plant, Magnitogorks Iron and Steel Works. The batch was manufactured to order of Volzhsky Pipe Plant. This has become possible largely due to reconstruction of 2000 mill at # 10 flats plant.
This ...
2007-12-24 14:12:08 In October –November 2007 Russia Increased Production of Refined Copper 13.9% Rosstat, Federal State Statistics Service has announced November 2007 refined copper production results in Russia showing output up 113,9% compared to October 2007. 11 months (January-November 2007) refined copper production results almost have not changed compared to the same period of 2006 ...
2007-12-24 14:09:49 Stainless Rolled Products Import Duty May Increase up to €1200-1300 per Ton Mass media report Mr. Andrey Dementyev, Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation announced after a meeting on imports substitution with Mr. Victor Zubkov Russian Prime Minister at Serp-i-Molot Moscow Steel Works a possibility for duty on import of Chinese rolled ...
2007-12-21 15:09:20 RUSAL to Invest 58 bln Rubles in Construction of Taishet Aluminium Smelter According to Vasily Sobolev, Director of Construction Dpt, Taishet Aluminium Smelter in 2007-2011 UC RUSAL will invest the total of 58 bln rubles in the construction of Taishet Aluminium Smelter with the capacity of 750 thou tons of primary aluminium in the Irkutsk region. According to the ...
2007-12-21 14:20:02 Volgograd Steel Works "Krasniy Oktyabr” to Increase Finished Rolled Products Output According to the press-service of the works in January-November 2007 Volgograd Steel Works "Krasniy Oktyabr” produced 671,3 thou tons of steel which is 2% more compared to the same period of 2006. 487,69 thou tons of finished rolled products were produced in 11 months (4% increase). ...
2007-12-21 14:14:34 Russian Government has Determined the Order of Assessing of Quotas on Rolled Products Supplies to EU Russian Prime Minister Victor Zubkov has signed a regulation on fulfillment of an agreement dated October 26 between Russia and the EU about trade in some types of steel products. The Russian Government has determined the following order of assessing of quotas on supplies of steel products to ...
2007-12-17 15:08:26 UC RUSAL appoints a third Independent Non Executive Director to its Board of Directors United Company RUSAL announce ы the appointment of Simon Thompson as an independent Non Executive Director.
Simon Thompson, who was previously a main Board Director and Member of the Executive Committee of Anglo American plc, joins the UC RUSAL Board of Directors with effect from ...
2007-12-17 12:28:38 ChTPZ Group Ferrous Division Ships 1,758,000 Tn of Product to Customers in January-November of 2007 Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Plant and Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, both in ChTPZ Group, shipped 1,758,000 tn of pipe products to customers over eleven months of the current year, an increase of 11% as compared to the same period of 2006 (1,577,000 tn).
January through November of 2007, ChTPZ ...