Metallurgy news

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  • 2016-09-05 06:00:25
    STW is to launch new project
    Severskiy Tube Works (STW) continues reconstruction of a steel tubes production facility, Mikhail Zuev, STWs Managing Director told Denis Pasler, Chairman of the Government of the Sverdlovsk area when he visited this enterprise. «Our plant produces high demand range of steel ...
  • 2016-09-01 10:00:02
    Rusal changed heads of two aluminium smelters
    Today Rusal announced senior staff appointments within Aluminium Division. Oleg Buts has been appointed as Managing Director of Irkutsk Aluminium Smelter (IrkAZ). Prior to the appointment, Mr Buts worked as the Director of Department for Production System Training at Production ...
  • 2016-08-29 11:00:03
    Severstal will ship flat rolled steel for Arctech Helsinki Shipyard
    Severstal has announced that it won the tender for the delivery of flat rolled steel to Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, Finland. According its press release, Severstal will ship 8,330 tonnes of flat rolled steel, which will be used for a ice breaker bulding. Flat rolled steel will ...
  • 2016-08-26 12:00:48
    Norilsk Nickel closed the old Nickel plant
    Norilsk Nickel announced today, that another major milestone of the strategic downstream reconfiguration has been reached whereby the outdated Nickel plant in the city of Norilsk was fully decommissioned two months ahead of the schedule. On August 17, production the nickel-refining workshop ...
  • 2016-08-26 10:00:04
    Metalloinvest rose production in 1H 2016
    In 1H2016 Metalloinvest revenue dropped by 20.8% to $1,931 mln, net income – by 17.2% to $438 mln. But Metalloinvest rose iron ore production by 4.6% to 20.4 mln tonnes, pellets – by 4.9% to 12.3 meln tonnes, HDB/DRI – by 5.9% to 2.9 mln tonnes. Also ...
  • 2016-08-25 06:00:42
    TMK sold LDP to Turkmenenergo
    TMK has shipped large diameter longitudinal pipe (LDP) to Turkmenenergo State Power Corporation of Turkmenistan’s Ministry of Energy to support the construction of a gas supply pipeline to the Mary-3 gas turbine power plant. The shipment totalled more than 17,000 tonnes ...
  • 2016-08-23 16:30:55
    TMK ships premium tubular products for Chayandinskoye field
    TMK, one of the world’s leading producers of tubular products for the oil and gas industry, has shipped a large batch of premium threaded connection pipe to Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk. The shipment comprised casing pipe with TMK GF and TMK FMC threaded connections, as well ...
  • 2016-08-23 15:00:55
    Polymetal is to expand Amursk POX plant
    Polymetal announced that its Board of Directors has approved the debottlenecking project at the Amursk POX plant. The debottlenecking project will expand the capacity of the existing Amursk POX plant by approximately 50% in terms of concentrate processed. The key additions to ...
  • 2016-08-19 16:28:15
    Metalloinvest increases pellet shipments to NLMK
    Metalloinvest is increasing shipments of pellets to Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK) by 900,000 tonnes in the second half of 2016. Lebedinsky GOK and Mikhailovsky GOK will supply the products to NLMK’s main production site in Lipetsk. The total volume of pellet shipments this year will amount ...
  • 2016-08-18 11:05:05
    Rusal produced first output of scandium oxide
    Rusal started tge production of scandium oxide of the concentration exceeding 99%. The market price of the new product is up to $2,000 per kg. The new product output commenced at the Urals Aluminium Smelter (UAZ) after the installation and launch of the pilot unit for the ...
  • 2016-08-17 06:00:17
    СhelPipe Group shipped 865,000 tonnes of pipes in H1 2016
    Over the first six months of 2016, ChelPipe Group’s pipe division production sites - the Chelyabinsk Pipe plant and Pervouralsk Pipe plant, shipped 865,000 tonnes of steel pipes to the customers, which is less by 19% than the amount of the same period in 2015 (-206,000 tonnes). The ...
  • 2016-08-16 15:00:03
    NLMK Group and Novatek extend gas supply contract
    NLMK Group has signed an additional agreement to its contract with Novatek for the supply of natural gas to the Lipetsk site. Similar additional agreements to contracts for the supply of natural gas to NLMK Group’s other key Russian production facilities* will be signed in the nearest ...
  • 2016-08-15 16:48:50
    Свыше 5000 марок сталей сегодня доступны пользователям
    Рады сообщить, что на портале ИИС "Металлоснабжение и сбыт" появилась бета-версия онлайн-марочника российских сталей RusSteel . Марочник содержит информацию о примерно 5000 отечественных сталей, выпускаемых по ГОСТам. С помощью данного сервиса Вы сможете найти информацию о ...
  • 2016-08-15 15:00:45
    ChelPipe Group rises profit and reduces debt
    ChelPipe Group has announced IFRS Financial Results for 1H 2016. According to its press release, the gross profit went up by 2% to 21,945 mln rubles, with EBIDTA growing by 2,503 mln rubles. The EBITDA margin rose by 5.7 percentage points to 24.7% as a result of the improved ...
  • 2016-08-10 10:00:36
    IMH increased coking coal concentrate production
    In the first half of 2016 production of coking coal at Industrial Metallurgical Holding (IMH) totaled 925,000 tonnes. that is 13% less compared to the first half of 2015. Reduced production accounts for scheduled lava reinstallation at the Butovskaya coking coal mine. Coking ...
  • 2016-08-09 11:00:52
    NLMK Group boosts energy efficiency of hydrogen production
    NLMK Group has begun commercial operation of a hydrogen unit that generates hydrogen from natural gas through vapour reforming at VIZ-Steel in Yekaterinburg, where hi-tech transformer (grain-oriented) steel is produced. This project will provide a three-fold reduction in the ...
  • 2016-08-04 14:12:03
    OEMK will increase high-quality rolled steel production
    Metalloinvest has started construction of a reduction and calibration section for Rolling Mill 350’s mid-size production line at Rolling Unit #2 at OEMK (part of the Company). The new reduction and calibration section will ensure that every steel bar is the correct size. ...
  • 2016-08-04 06:00:58
    НГЗ планирует увеличить производство глинозема до 1,7 млн т
    Во 1-м полугодии 2016 г. Николаевский глиноземный завод (НГЗ, входит в состав Русала) произвел 740 тыс. т глинозема, что на 3,6% больше по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года. Продолжается реализация проекта по расширению мощностей предприятия до 1,7 млн т глинозема в год. ...
  • 2016-08-02 12:29:57
    Acron Group launched rare earthes production
    As part of its long-term investment programme, Acron Group implements a project of complex apatite-nepheline rock processing at Veliky Novgorod production site to produce rare earth elements (REE) cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, concentrates of light, medium and heavy rare earth elements from ...
  • 2016-08-01 10:10:58
    Norilsk Nickel increased copper output in 2Q 2016
    In 2Q16 consolidated copper production of Norilsk Nickel amounted to 90 kt increasing 3% q-o-q. Copper output from the Norilsk Nickel’s own Russian feed reached 86 kt, up 1% q-o-q. The increase was attributed to higher copper content in mined ore. Overall in 1H16, copper ...
  • 2016-07-29 12:00:45
    Metalloinvest develops sales of steel plate
    Metalloinvest has delivered over 3,500 tonnes of steel plate for the construction of a bridge over the Tobol River. The bridge will be part of the Tyumen-Tobolsk-Khanty-Mansiysk highway. The steel, manufactured by Ural Steel (part of Metalloinvest), will be used by Mostostroy-11 to construct ...
  • 2016-07-28 09:00:44
    Металлоинвест расширяет географию продаж
    Более 3,5 тыс. т стального проката Металлоинвест поставил для строительства моста через реку Тобол. Мост станет частью автомобильной дороги Тюмень-Тобольск-Ханты-Мансийск. Из стали, изготовленной на комбинате Уральская Сталь (входит в компанию Металлоинвест), компанией Мостострой-11 будут ...
  • 2016-07-28 06:00:09
    TMK expanded its share in the Russian market
    In 1H 2016, despite the shrinking size of the Russian pipe market, TMK increased its market share. The Russian division shipped 1,497 thousand tonnes of pipe, down 1.6% y-o-y. Seamless pipe shipments were up 4.7% to 961 thousand tonnes. OCTG shipments grew by 9.1%, as ...
  • 2016-07-27 06:00:01
    Metalloinvest optimizes loan portfolio
    Metalloinvest as a part of optimisation of its loan portfolio repayment schedule has repaid approximately $600 mn ahead of the scheduled maturity dates. Metalloinvest has partially repaid several pre-export finance facilities with scheduled maturity in 2016-2018. Andrey ...
  • 2016-07-26 17:00:46
    Record-setting icebreaker made from MMK steel is laid down
    Today the Baltic Shipyard in St Petersburg (part of United Shipbuilding Corporation) laid the keel of Ural, Project 22220’s second series-produced nuclear icebreaker. The icebreaker’s body is to be built entirely from shipbuilding steel supplied by Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel ...
  • 2016-07-22 12:30:52
    Metalloinvest redeemed eurobonds for $750 mln
    Metalloinvest has redeemed its debut eurobond issue. The eurobonds for a nominal amount of $750 mln were issued on the London Stock Exchange in 2011 with a five-year maturity period and an annual coupon rate of 6.5%. The redemption of the debut Eurobond issue and coupon payments were ...
  • 2016-07-21 15:00:29
    Nornickel sold stake in the Bystrinsky project
    Highland Fund (Investor), a consortium established by prominent Chinese investment funds and corporations, made payment for a share in the joint venture set up together with the Norilsk Nickel to develop Bystrinsky project in compliance with the signed agreement. The payment has ...
  • 2016-07-20 06:00:13
    Rusal sells Alpart alumina refinery in Jamaica
    Rusal has announced that it has entered into an agreement to sell a 100% stake of the Alumina Partners of Jamaica (‘Alpart’) to the Chinese state industrial group, Jiuquan Iron & Steel Group (Jisco). The amount of the deal is $299 mln. The deal is undertaken within the ...
  • 2016-07-19 15:00:47
    MMK repays debt of MMK Metalurji in full
    Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) announces that it has repaid in full and ahead of schedule investment loans it raised to fund construction of its steel plant in Turkey. As a result, MMK Group’s total debt was reduced by $403 million. The decision to repay the ...
  • 2016-07-15 11:00:04
    Norilsk Nickel changed its brand
    MMC Norilsk Nickel (hereinafter Nornickel or the company) has changed its brand. Changes involved its name, view and key elements of the brand platform. New image of Nornickel is a quintessence of ideas and values related to the company's activities represented graphically and ...
  • 2016-07-08 17:31:40
    Mechel restructured Series 04 bonds
    Mechel announces the decisions made at the general meeting of the holders of the company’s Series 04 bonds regarding changes to the current repayment schedule and the interest rate for future periods. Bondholders have approved by absentee ballot the new restructuring ...
  • 2016-07-07 11:21:14
    Коршуновский ГОК увеличил добычу на одном из карьеров
    Коршуновский ГОК увеличил добычу железной руды на одноименном карьере на 25% до 2 млн т, сообщает Мечел-Майнинг (входит в группу Мечел). В настоящее время Коршуновский ГОК занимается понижением дна Коршуновского карьера карьера до отметки «-105 м», что расширит его ...
  • 2016-07-06 12:24:38
    Sauer and Rusal are to develop aluminium 3D printing
    Rusal and Sauer, a member of DMG Mori, a worldwide leading manufacturer of metal-cutting machine tools, today announce the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to develop the 3D printing technology for industrial use of aluminium and aluminium alloys. According to the ...
  • 2016-07-06 06:00:06
    TMK starts to supply pipe for offshore development in the Arctic
    TMK has made the first shipment of tubular products for the construction of production wells on the Arctic shelf. The pipes were manufactured for Gazprom neft shelf (subsidiary of Gazprom neft) to be used at the Prirazlomnoye oil field in the Pechora Sea. The shipment comprised ...
  • 2016-07-05 15:30:29
    Rusal and Hebei Joy Sense Cable sign joint venture agreement
    Rusal and Hebei Joy Sense Cable (HJSC), a leading Chinese aluminium alloy cable manufacturer (the Partners), announce the signing of an agreement to establish the joint venture (JV) ‘Rusal-Hebei Joy Sense Cable Special Aluminium Products’. At this stage, the Partners will ...
  • 2016-07-05 10:00:37
    MMK increases steel shipments to Claas
    Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) announces that its Trading House continues to increase shipments of high-tensile steel used in the production of Tucano combine harvesters at the Claas factory in Russia (Krasnodar Territory). As a result, the proportion of components used in these ...
  • 2016-07-04 06:00:53
    Rostec sold 49% of shares in Erdenet
    Rostec and Mongolian Copper Corporation signed an agreement on the sale of 49% of shares belonging to Rostec in two Russian-Mongolian joint-venture mining companies (Erdenet and Mongolrostsvetmet) to Mongolian Copper Corporation. Equity transaction is already listed to Rostec. ...
  • 2016-07-04 06:00:19
    NLMK Group tests new grinding equipment at Stoilensky
    NLMK Group has started hot testing two High Pressure Grinding Rollers at Section 4 of Stoilensky's beneficiation plant. The new process will now cover 50% of Stoilensky's grinding capacity. High Pressure Grinding Roller (HPGR) technology is new to the Russian market. Stoilensky ...
  • 2016-06-28 18:05:14
    Mechel closed of the deal on selling Elga project share
    Mechel announces the closure of the deal on selling to Gazprombank AO the 49% share in the Elga coking coal deposit development project for 34.3 billion rubles. According to the agreement, Mechel sold to Gazprombank 49% of shares in Elgaugol, the project operator company and ...
  • 2016-06-28 11:36:31
    Norilsk Nickel Polar Division foreign investors
    Norilsk Nickel Polar Division has received a team of foreign investors on a business visit composed of BMO, HSBC Securities (South Africa), Pioneer AM, Fosun AM, BAML, Goldman Sachs, VTB, Deutsche Bank, Alfa-Bank. The foreign guests enjoyed an opportunity to look at the sheer scale of the ...
  • 2016-06-28 11:27:53
    NSMMZ renamed NLMK Ural
    NSMMZ (Nizhniye Sergi), a key company in NLMK Group’s Long Products Division which operates from three production sites in Sverdlovsk region in the Urals, has been renamed NLMK Ural. The company adopted a new charter and registered the change of name with the Inspectorate ...
  • 2016-06-27 14:23:53
    Kola MMC stes up new storage facility
    Kola MMC (Norilsk Nickel affiliate) has delivered an upgraded central storage facility for inventories with an approximate area of 3,000 m 2 at its Monchegorsk site. A hired contractor remodeled the layout of the building, overhauled the flooring, modernized lighting and ...
  • 2016-06-27 12:25:37
    NLMK Kaluga reaches two million marker in finished steel
    NLMK Kaluga, a new generation EAF plant (part of NLMK Long Products) that manufactures a wide range of long products and sections used in construction, has produced its two millionth tonne of finished steel. The mill produced its three millionth tonne of crude steel in its EAF ...
  • 2016-06-24 14:29:56
    Mechel grows coal output
    In 1Q2016 Mechel Group increased coal mine by 3% to 5.663 mln tons, coking coal concentrate sales – by 6% to 2.156 mln tons. “In this reporting period, our company operated smoothly and stably, with positive results on many counts. Mechel’s coal mining remained at ...
  • 2016-06-23 11:10:18
    EVRAZ has started deliveries of wheelsets To Europe
    EVRAZ has started the production of TSI wheelsets together with Slovenian company SZ-VIT. Wheelset is a new product for EVRAZ, and it is characterized by high marketability among the key European rail operators and manufacturers of freight wagons. EVRAZ has won a tender for the ...
  • 2016-06-20 15:05:51
    Operational Efficiency Director joins NLMK International Management Board
    NLMK Group has extended the Management Board of NLMK International a holding company for NLMK’s international assets. The number of Board members has been increased to five with the appointment of Mr. Cornelius Louwrens to the newly introduced position of Director of Operational ...
  • 2016-06-17 10:05:33
    World’s largest nuclear icebreaker made from MMK metal floats out
    On 16 June the Baltic Shipyard in St Petersburg floated out the universal nuclear icebreaker Arktika (project 22220). Metal for the body of this, the world’s largest and most powerful icebreaker, was supplied by Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK). MMK accounts for ...
  • 2016-06-15 12:36:47
    Czech Railways certified EVRAZ wheels
    EVRAZ NTMK certified 5 wheel designs, and is now eligible to supply wheels to the major Czech railway operator – the Czech Railways. The certificate has been issued for solid curved wheels ВА-409, 428, 314, 004, 005. ВА-004, ВА-005 and ВА-314 wheels are also certified ...
  • 2016-06-14 14:00:39
    Norilsk Nickel shareholders elected new board of directors
    The Annual General Meeting of shareholders (AGM) of MMC Norilsk Nickel took place on Friday. During the AGM a new Board of Directors was elected and the dividend for 2015 in the amount of RUB 230.14 per ordinary share was approved. Previously, the Extraordinary General Meetings ...
  • 2016-06-14 12:00:40
    NLMK Group has been certified by ABB
    NLMK Group has been certified by ABB Group, the power plant engineering company hailing from Sweden and Switzerland as a qualified supplier of transformer steel. NLMK Group produces transformer steel at its VIZ-Steel plant in Yekaterinburg. ABB, a global supplier of automation ...
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