Norilsk Nickel | 14 June 2016 г. | 14:00

Norilsk Nickel shareholders elected new board of directors

Norilsk Nickel shareholders elected new board of directors
The Annual General Meeting of shareholders (AGM) of MMC Norilsk Nickel took place on Friday. During the AGM a new Board of Directors was elected and the dividend for 2015 in the amount of RUB 230.14 per ordinary share was approved.

Previously, the Extraordinary General Meetings of shareholders held on September 14, 2015 and December 19, 2015 approved the payment of dividend for the first half of fiscal year 2015 in the amount of RUB 305.07 per ordinary share and RUB 321.95 for the nine months of fiscal year 2015 respectively.

Source: Metal Supply and Sale Magazine
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