Metal-Expo'2024 , Metal-Expo photos , Metal-Expo photo gallery | 17 декабря 2024 г. | 14:25

Four days and four photo clouds of Metal-Expo'2024: stands, exhibitors, visitors and events

Four days and four photo clouds of Metal-Expo'2024: stands, exhibitors, visitors and events

During the autumn Metals Week in Moscow, professional photographers were on hand to capture the key moments of the business programme and Metal-Expo' 2024 stands, providing a visual record of the most significant events in the metallurgical calendar.

Following the editing and structuring of the photographic material by days, approximately 3,000 images from the Metal-Expo site are now available for download in the cloud.

The photo archive is likely to contain images that will resonate with all those who took part in the forum of metallurgists. Many of those who visited Krasnaya Presnya as visitors to the exhibition were also captured on camera. It is simple to locate yourself in the photo database, which is organised by day of the week, allowing you to view the day you participated in the exhibition immediately.

The images can be downloaded free of charge and shared on websites and social media platforms, enabling colleagues and friends to access the photographs and information.

Download photos from Metal-Expo'2024

View photo reports about the exhibition

‘Metal-Expo is an excellent opportunity to get acquainted and create sustainable business relations with existing and new partners. Most of the participating companies expressed their satisfaction with the rich work of the exhibition, noted its effectiveness for business development and have already booked space for 2025 to accommodate their expositions.

Next year's exhibition will be held in the largest convention and exhibition centre in the North-West - ExpoForum in St. Petersburg from 11 to 14 November. Expoforum is located near Pulkovo Airport, and there is a hotel cluster next to it, which makes the venue of Metal-Expo'2025 very convenient from the logistical point of view.

We invite you to take part in the 31st International Industrial Exhibition Metal-Expo'2025 on 11-14 November 2025.

Источник: ИИС «Металлоснабжение и сбыт»
Просмотров: 26

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