Rusal opened Russia’s deepest mine

The launch of Cheremoukhovskaya-Gloubokaya will create access to new bauxite deposits and thanks to the optimization of technological processes of ore transportation and extraction will decrease bauxite cash costs at SUBR by up to 15%. Active construction of the mine commenced in 2010. Uncovered deposits of bauxite at Cheremoukhovskaya-Gloubokaya are estimated at 42 million tons.
«For the first time in ten years a new mine has opened in the North Urals. We plan to produce up to 1.2 million tonnes of bauxite annually at Cheremoukhovskaya-Gloubokaya. The mine’s high production potential will ensure the stable development of Severouralsk and nearby Krasnoturyinsk, where the Bogoslovsky aluminium smelter is located and to where 95% of the bauxite mined is shipped,» Vladislav Soloviev, CEO of Rusal, commented.
The uniqueness of Cheremoukhovskaya-Gloubokaya is that it is the only mine at SUBR where three hoisters are located at one headframe; a manlift, a hoister for rock and a hoister for ore, meaning it was only necessary to construct one headframe. The first start-up complex of the mine with on ground and underground facilities has been launched. The second start-up complex is planned to launch in 2016, which will include a mine elevator with two skips for bauxite dispatch, intra-railways, ore lines, as well as landscaping. The third start-up complex, which is expected to launch in 2017, will include a two level hoisting system with a capacity for 40 people per level and a fan of the southern ventilation shaft. Total investment in the second and third start-up complexes is to exceed 1.5 billion rubles.
Construction and development of Cheremoukhovskaya-Gloubokaya mine will ensure stable operations at SUBR in the long-term and will expand the mine’s lifespan by at least 40 years.
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