Norilsk Nickel , Copper production , Nickel production | 13 October 2010 г. | 13:19

Norilsk Nickel will increase nickel and copper output

Norilsk Nickel will increase nickel and copper output
According to Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, Director Generale of MMC Norilsk Nickel's presentation at VTB Capital Investment Forum: Russia calling!, the company plans to produce 246 thousand tons of refiner nickel in 2011. In the future the company plans to keep it at the level of no less than 230 thousand tons, rising it to 250 thousand tons by 2025.

So, Norilsk Nickel plans to produce 367 thousand tons of refiner copper in 2011 and 466 thousand tons in 2025. But, if Norilsk Nickel carries out the project into Zabailask Area, the copper output will furthermore increase - to 529 thousnad tons in 2025.

Source: Metal Supply and Sale Magazine
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