KhAS produced first million tons of aluminum

Khakas aluminum smelter plays a special role for UC Rusal: it has become the first aluminum factory constructed in Russia during the Post-Soviet period, and the first scale project completely executed by forces of the company on the basis of own technology RA-300.
From the beginning of its designing Khakas aluminum smelter has started to break records. Design works began in October, 2004, a construction of the basic facilities - in March 2005 г. And already on December, 15th, 2006 the first starting complex was officially opened. Less than a year later Khakas aluminum smelter riched in project capacity. And here new achievement – first million tons of aluminum.
«Now the smelter produces more than 800 tons per a day, making up about 300 thousand tons primary aluminum in a year, - managing director Anton Savchenko said. - KhAS is not only one of the most effective smelters, but also one of the non-polluting enterprises in the world. Manufacture of aluminum of the premiums grades - from А7Э to А85 - reaches 99 %».
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